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What is within you

November 2023
Riverside Park, NYC 2023
It can’t escape 
It’s neither here nor there 
So no place hears your mistakes, missteps, or half steps toward
Toward forward forgiving
Who can release first 
And who are you to ask? 
Sun beams 
Cars honk
Bugs bite
But that’s all 
And in between 
We fight 
And in between even the elders lose sight 
Lose capacity toward optimism 
They love us all the same 
yet we feel their relief
We will be here
At the same time we feel that vulnerability that unstable anxiety
witnessing the end approach
as it creeps and as it is felt in the chest 

Not your head keep your head to the sun
keep your hands on the steering wheel and your heart with the family 
Our heads too close to the sun,
a different meaning now

They say all old sayings are old for a reason,
stick around for a reason,
But the context changes. 
Apply that here now and the result is more than just sweat on the brow. 
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